Disputes & Arbitration in Iraq - GHI Legal


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With years of experience and expertise, GHI specialises in resolving complex legal disputes through arbitration, mediation, and other alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods.

We understand that disputes can be stressful and time-consuming, and that’s why our team of British and Irawi lawyers is dedicated to providing quick and effective solutions to our clients. Our approach to dispute resolution is client-centric, and we work closely with our clients to understand their needs and goals before developing a strategy to resolve their disputes.

Our arbitration services are recognised for their quality and efficiency, and we have a team of experienced arbitrators who are well-versed in the local laws and regulations in Iraq and Kurdistan. 

We offer both ad-hoc and institutional arbitration services, and our arbitrators are available to serve as sole arbitrators, party-appointed arbitrators, or chairpersons of arbitral tribunals.

Our mediation services are equally effective, and our mediators are skilled in resolving disputes through constructive and collaborative negotiations. Our mediators have extensive experience in various industries, including construction, real estate, banking and finance, insurance, and international trade.

In addition to arbitration and mediation, we also offer other ADR methods such as expert determination, early neutral evaluation, and conciliation. Our team of experts will work with you to identify the most appropriate ADR method for your case, and ensure that the process is fair, impartial, and transparent.

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GHI provides legal and corporate services across the UAE and Middle East. With over 50 years combined experience, you can trust us for great results.